Friday, May 13, 2011

I think it's time to retire from Madden

I've been playing Madden NFL, on and off, for as long as I can remember.  The oldest version I can find sttill in my posession is Madden 94 for the Sega Genesis. 

I've always liked to think I was better than average, but my brother always kicked my ass in the game.  Spend a season getting better, play my little bro and get my ass kicked.  Like 100-13 kicked.

With the modern consoles (specifically XBox 360) you can play online.  The same phenomenon happens here -- you run into 13 year olds who have nothing better to do than play Madden all day every day (not to mention cheating and/or hacking their consoles). 

Every August a new version comes out for the new NFL season.  Every August I buy it.  And get my ass kicked.  I never had a winning record or anything close to it.

Last year I had enough, and I determined to work at it hard enough to at least stop getting destroyed.

Today I hit a milestone -- not only did I get myself a winning record, I've slowly gotten myself to 50 games over .500.  I can't compete with the top level "glitchers" who take advantage of flaws in the software, but I can usually fight back enough to aggravate them and at least partially slow down their nonsense. 

I think this means it's time to retire.  At least until Madden 2012. 

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